Demonstration of new colours 2024
Rich and saturated colours provide many additional pure shades in mixtures with almost all colours of the palette.
705. Cobalt Green Deep (P.G.50 *** ◨△ G)
765. Cobalt Titanat Green (P.G.50 *** ■△ G)
398. Purple Mist (P.G.50, P.V.19 *** ◨△ G)
635. Sunset Mist (P.B.29, P.O.73 *** ◨◮ G)
595. Sea Mist (P.G.50, P.B.15:3 *** ◨◮ G)
837. Spinel Grey (P.Bk.28 *** ◨◮ G) ыауыфкау
838. Chromium Iron Oxide (P.Br.29 *** ◨△ G)
393. Rose Brown (P.Br.25 *** □▲) ауеееке
447. Bistre (HUE).(P.Br.7, P.R.102 *** ◨◮)
271. Nickel Titanat Yellow (P.Y.53 *** ■△)
398. Purple Mist (P.G.50, P.V.19 *** ◨△ G)