837. Spinel Grey (P.Bk.28 *** ◨◮ G) 

The colour is based on the pigment Copper Chromite Black (P.Bk.28), semi-transparent, relatively easy to wash off from paper, and has the highest lightfastness rating.

Spinel Grey has a unique neutral grey colour and deep tone. It moves actively and spreads easily in water, spreading, creating beautiful effects of “fluffy” light granulation. The paint works well in mixtures with all colours of the palette, giving many pure muted or darkened shades of colour with a delicate granulation effect. 

Neutral grey colour, deep tone, versatility of interaction with other paints in mixtures and the effect of soft granulation make this colour indispensable when working on city landscapes. Mixtures with Spinel Grey allow you to create smooth fills of building facades, moving from light to shadow and changing the feeling of warm-cold colour, deep natural or sharp falling shadows, or graphic elements of detail. 

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