Nickel Titanat Yellow (P.Y.53 *** ■△) 

The colour is developed on the basis of Nickel Antimony Titanium Yellow Rutile (P.Y.53) pigment, it is opaque, easily washed off from paper, and has the highest lightfastness rating. It has a light tone and a cool soft pastel colour, which complements the palette of monopigment yellows and brings a special property to this palette: conveying pastel shades of softness and delicacy of colour in mixtures with other colours in the palette.

Thanks to its light milky tint, Nickel Titanat Yellow only slightly changes the colour of the mixture, giving it its own shade, unlike other rich and juicy yellows. With Nickel Titanat Yellow, you can soften and emphasize the richness of shades of red, orange, green or brown without weighing them down, without radically changing their colour, and without giving them the “gouache” of colours containing white. In mixtures with Ultramarine Blue and Cobalt Blue, discreet and delicate neutral transitions from yellow to blue are obtained, unlike other yellows, giving rich shades of green in these mixtures.

The unique properties of Nickel Titanat Yellow ideal for solving various painting problems where delicacy in shades is required: the delicate flesh of fruit in still lifes, the soft shade of green in flowers, or the smooth transition of colour in red, yellow or orange flower petals. But this colour is especially important in landscape painting when conveying diffused sunlight or cloudiness in mixtures with blue without obtaining rich green shades, or painting contrasting highlights and reflections of street lighting in city landscapes.

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